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AIESEC US winter promotional material: Winter Days, Get 100 dollars off your exchange.AIESEC US winter promotional material: Winter Days, Get 100 dollars off your exchange.
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How to Recruit Global Talent Successfully 🌎

How to Recruit Global Talent Successfully 🌎
Soraya Morales
April 21, 2023

Firstly, understand the legal requirements and cultural differences that come with hiring international talent.

It's essential to stay up-to-date on immigration laws and ensure that your company is compliant with the regulations. Additionally, it's crucial to understand the cultural differences in communication, work styles, and other aspects to ensure that the new hires can integrate seamlessly into your team.

Secondly, build a strong employer brand that appeals to international talent.

Highlight your company's culture, vision, and values that align with what the talent pool values most. Also, make sure that your online presence reflects your company's values, mission, and goals. An online presence is vital to attracting international talent.

Thirdly, utilize international job boards to increase your reach.

This will help you to target a broader audience, including those who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. Also, take advantage of a professional global network where you can reach out to potential candidates directly.

💡 Finally, partnering with organizations like

AIESEC United States can help you find the right candidates for your company. AIESEC offers a diverse pool of young international talents eager to develop their skills, gain practical experience, and contribute to your organization's success. 👏🏻

The AIESEC Global Talent Program connects companies with bright young talent worldwide, helping them fulfill their business needs. Our program offers support throughout the recruitment process and helps companies navigate the complexities of international hiring. 🌎

👉🏼 Visit our website to learn more about our program:

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 5 Top Benefits of Building an Internship Program in Your Company

5 Top Benefits of Building an Internship Program in Your Company

In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment, companies are constantly seeking innovative strategies to stay ahead of the curve. One such strategy that has proven to be highly effective is the establishment of internship programs.

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Written by
Soraya Morales
How my AIESEC cultural exchange in Poland impacted my career in 5 ways!

How my AIESEC cultural exchange in Poland impacted my career in 5 ways!

At the age of 22, I decided to take a leap of faith and step outside of my comfort zone. ‍I embarked on a life-changing adventure with AIESEC, the world's largest youth-led organization, that took me to one of the most beautiful countries in Europe - Poland. And that too for six straight weeks. So what are you waiting for? Just like mine, yours can also be a turning and inspirational adventure. It might just be the turning point in your career and your life, just as it was for me. Embrace the unknown, for it has the power to unlock your potential and change your life forever.

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Written by
Nishad Kinhikar
Five professional benefits of joining AIESEC!

Five professional benefits of joining AIESEC!

Joining AIESEC isn't just signing up for an organization; it's embarking on a transformative journey. From widening your network and honing your leadership skills to gaining practical experiences and cultural intelligence, AIESEC offers a treasure trove of professional benefits.

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Written by
Nishad Kinhikar
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AIESEC US winter promotional material: Winter Days, Get 100 dollars off your exchange.AIESEC US winter promotional material: Winter Days, Get 100 dollars off your exchange.

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What are you waiting for?

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Empowering Educational Equity: AIESEC US Joins GlobalTuesday to Drive Positive Change

Empowering Educational Equity: AIESEC US Joins GlobalTuesday to Drive Positive Change

AIESEC US, the leading youth-run non-profit organization committed to empowering young individuals through transformative international experiences, proudly announces its participation in GlobalTuesday, a worldwide movement that harnesses collective generosity to create lasting impact.

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Written by
Soraya Morales
AIESEC United States earned the 2023 Gold Seal with Candid!

AIESEC United States earned the 2023 Gold Seal with Candid!

We are thrilled to announce that AIESEC United States has earned the esteemed Gold Seal of Transparency by Candid. This recognition underscores our steadfast commitment to openness and accountability in everything we do.

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Written by
Soraya Morales
AIESEC US Joins the Global GivingTuesday Movement to Empower Tomorrow’s Leaders

AIESEC US Joins the Global GivingTuesday Movement to Empower Tomorrow’s Leaders

[New York, October 26, 2023] – AIESEC United States, the largest youth-run non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young leaders through transformative international experiences, is thrilled to announce its participation in GivingTuesday, a global generosity movement that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations to encourage radical generosity and make a lasting impact.

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Written by
Soraya Morales
Empowering Dreams, Transforming Lives: AIESEC US Launches Fundraising Campaign for Education Equality and Global Opportunities during Global Goals Week

Empowering Dreams, Transforming Lives: AIESEC US Launches Fundraising Campaign for Education Equality and Global Opportunities during Global Goals Week

[New York, September 21, 2023] - AIESEC US, the largest youth-run non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young people with transformative international experiences, proudly announces the launch of a groundbreaking fundraising campaign aimed at providing educational equity through scholarships for global opportunities to young students who lack financial resources. As part of Global Goals Week, this campaign directly contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on quality education, reduced inequalities, and climate action. With the mission to break down barriers and create a more inclusive educational landscape, the campaign seeks to raise funds to offer scholarships for the AIESEC Global Volunteer Exchange program.

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Written by
Soraya Morales
Join Us: Live-Streamed Launch Campaign for Educational Equity and Sustainable Development

Join Us: Live-Streamed Launch Campaign for Educational Equity and Sustainable Development

[New York, September 7] – AIESEC US, the youth-led organization committed to fostering cross-cultural understanding, skills development, and global citizenship, is excited to announce the official launch of its groundbreaking campaign. This campaign is poised to break down barriers and open doors to a world of possibilities for students from underrepresented groups through educational equity and global opportunities for sustainable development.

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Written by
Soraya Morales